4 Benefits of EPDM Roofing

According to commercial roofing contractors, property owners have a wide range of options when it comes to commercial roofing materials. After all, you can choose between PVC, TPO, or asphalt rolls. When it comes to commercial roofing materials, there’s no doubt that these materials are worthy investments. However, there is also another material you shouldn’t forget to consider: EPDM. Continue reading “4 Benefits of EPDM Roofing”

Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Roof Warranties

When you own a commercial property, it’s your responsibility to care for the building. That includes the upkeep of the building’s commercial roofing system. Should your commercial roofing system be damaged, however, you can easily have it repaired or replaced by using your warranty. With that in mind, roof repair pros recommend that you understand the warranty that comes with your commercial roofing system as much as possible.


Here’s everything you need to know about your commercial roof’s warranties.

A Simple Guide to Hospital Roof Inspections

There are costs to maintaining a healthcare facility, but regular roof inspections can save you from more serious troubles in the long run. In this article, roof replacement specialist Texas Traditions Roofing discusses the importance of hospital roof inspections. We also share some tips on what you should look out for during these maintenance checks.