Common Causes of Roof Leaks

Minor leaks in your roofing system may seem small now, but if left unaddressed, they could easily become the cause of major water damage to your interior. To safeguard your home or business, it pays to know some of the most common causes behind roof leaks so that you’ll know what signs to look for and when to seek expert help to address them. In this post, your trusted commercial roofing contractors from Texas Traditions Roofing discuss these causes:

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Tree Pruning: How to Keep Your Roof Safe from Damage

Trees in the yard benefit your home in many ways. They provide shade that cools the roof, they help prevent soil erosion around your home, and they shield your home from high winds. Arborists, along with residential and commercial roofing contractors like us, recommend pruning your trees on a regular basis. Texas Traditions Roofing shares why this is important.

3 Types of Commercial Roofing Materials

With a reliable commercial roofing system, you’ll have one less thing to worry about, especially when it comes to your business establishment’s safety and energy efficiency. Choosing the right roofing material, however, can be challenging, especially with the wide array of options. To help you make the right decision, Texas Traditions Roofing, one of the most trusted commercial roofing contractors in the area, discusses the main features of three types of roofing systems.